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We know that working together on a project is a great way to share ideas and perspectives. But there are times when collaboration can become unproductive and wasteful. We've put together a bite-sized guide to creating a culture that fosters the right sort of collaboration and encourages people to embrace…
It’s no exaggeration to say that young people today need equipping with an entirely different set of skills than they did a generation ago.
In business, working together with colleagues on a project or problem is a great way to get a different perspective, be inspired and come up with creative solutions. Read our four ways to enhancing collaboration in the workplace.
In 2013, we set futurologist Michell Zappa the task of envisioning the workplace of 2040, we've revisited his predictions five years on.
Email is not always the best form of business communication. This blog explains why there are circumstances when verbal communication is preferable.
Video conferencing enables students to explore new places and meet new people without leaving the school premises. Find out more.
Banning mobile devices from the classroom is a mistake - phone and tablets help students learn better. Find out more.
The UK has initiated a myriad of schemes aimed at boosting interest in STEM subjects. This article looks at recent examples of the benefits of adding arts.
Five experts discuss their views on collaboration in the NHS, as well as with organisations in other sectors. Watch the video here.
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